Essential Meditation

inner freedom is the basis of freedom in all areas of life

Essential Meditation is an effortless and profound meditation technique from the Vedic tradition (the scientific and spiritual tradition of ancient India). It is a spiritual technique that you practice easily sitting down. It takes you to the deepest possible waking peace, a state of inner comfort, of being completely at home in yourself.

At the same time, your body also gets a deep rest that enables it to free itself from residues of incompletely processed experiences.

As a result, you begin to feel better, strength and refinement increase in all areas of your life, and your creativity spontaneously flows more strongly.

Regular practice of Essential Meditation triggers powerful development, from the depths of your being, in all aspects of your daily life.

Why Essential Meditation

The range of courses with a spiritual bent is overwhelming. However, not all techniques are suitable for everyone. Many techniques have little more to offer than the effect of your intention and thus possess little intrinsic value. The vast majority of knowledge and techniques offered are unsuitable because they come from monastic traditions. These knowledge and techniques are intended for people who want to withdraw from life in the world. For people who have ties to family or colleagues and who have responsibilities in society, the effect of these techniques, proportional to their effectiveness, is harmful. They give meditation a weird image.

Essential Meditation is a technique with associated knowledge, which strengthens and nourishes your presence in the world, your creativity, your relationships with others from within. Practicing Essential Meditation, in combination with your daily life, actually gives you more grounding. Within the tradition, this technique is compared to the footprint of the elephant for its effectiveness. The shoe sizes of all other animals fit into it.

You will be taught Essential Meditation by Jan Storms, a consciousness expert, who studied Vedic knowledge at university level and has more than thirty years of experience in teaching and guiding meditation students. Even people who have not had much success with meditation up to this point - or who cannot sit still - in almost all cases have no trouble with Essential Meditation.

अनन्तशास्त्रं बहु वेदितव्यं अल्पश्च कालो बहवश्च विघ्नाः।
यत् सारभूतं तदुपासितव्यं हंसो यथा क्षीरमिवांबुमिश्रम्॥

anantaśāstraṃ bahu veditavyaṃ alpaśca kālo bahavaśca vighnāḥ।
yat sārabhūtaṃ tadupāsitavyaṃ haṃso yathā kṣīramivāṃbumiśram॥

Knowledge is endless and there is much to learn. The time available is short and the obstacles are many.
It is of paramount importance to acquire the essence, like a swan (the enlightened) of milk mixed with water only the milk. महासुभाषित संग्रहः – mahāsubhāṣita saṃgrahaḥ


“What a transformation by just this meditation technique. Every day it gives you joy and finally gives you the foundation you have been missing all your life. You are touched by the wisdom, knowledge and love Jan passes on. The world would look different if everyone was allowed to learn this technique by default in school. What a wealth.” H.L., Twist
“Essential Meditation has become an integral part of my life. It has given me so much more peace, tranquility, stability and strength in myself. Jan Storms enriches the world with this meditation technique but also with his great wisdom and presence. My wish: that more and more people will practice this technique in order to experience more and more peace within ourselves and therefore bring peace to the world.” M.V., Amsterdam
“Every day 2 steps closer to the source, to the Self. More calm, more peace, more love, more solidity within yourself, everything is easier. That's what Essential Meditation brings you.” A.V., Amsterdam
“In the very first meditation I had an experience where I realized, 'this is me' - so simple."” A.R., Hoofddorp
“Good lectures, with Mr. Jan Storms' being the highlight for me. [...] The construction of the story, the line and the conclusion were clear and towards the end I felt a respectful, quiet attention, which did justice to what the speaker was expressing.” J. Röell-Sanders, Den Haag
“The exposition on higher states of consciousness by Jan Storms is one of the best I have ever heard or read - crystal clear and extraordinarily rich. I now have a much broader understanding of the possibilities of human consciousness. That alone is incredibly valuable. It's like being taken to the top of a mountain in the blink of an eye and contemplating the whole panorama from there.” G.S., Amsterdam
“I took the Essential Meditation course with my love in 2018. What a richness and change in my life. The Essential Meditation course offers protection, stability and greater spiritual clarity, read all the descriptions too! We have attended the course several times since then and it has done us good. [...] Heartwarming and grateful for the deepening of Essential Meditation.” M.W., Enschede
“I feel a lot more powerful, like I have more security, like a piece of rock standing under me.” I.S., Nijmegen
“In 2021, I attended a training course to tackle 'going from zero to 100' once and for all ❤️
This went further than I had dared think 🍀
In 1 word, the result is 'FREE' 🙏🏻
All under the committed guidance of Jan Storms🌟
This has brought the biggest shift in 2021 that I can build on in 2022 🔥” M.P., Assen
“If you want to learn to meditate, go for this one!
Did this [dd.] and it was very deep.
Have already done and tried many things in terms of meditation.
But this is the one!
Purify purify purify purify ❤️ Grateful ❤️” B.H., Nieuwegein

There is a light that shines beyond all earthly things, beyond the highest, beyond the supreme realms. That is the light that shines in your heart. Chandogya Upanishad, 3.13.7

About Jan Storms

Jan Storms is a consciousness expert (M.A.). He has more than thirty years of experience in counseling people - out of problems and into upward development. He has studied various aspects of the Vedic tradition and a rist of modern sciences in the light of the knowledge of consciousness.

He has a lifelong interest in the full development of human potential. Jan Storms is the author of Destructive Relationships on the Kick, a book that deals with the extreme opposite of fully developed consciousness: psychopathy. It is the most widely read work on psychopathy in the Netherlands.



Income at welfare level



General rate.



From a gross income of 85,000 euros.


*For children up to an age of fourteen who are participating at the same time as a parent, the course costs nothing.

*You are requested to provide proof of income and to indicate in advance that you want to make use of the discount.

Consultations: for an intake conversation, necessary if you are facing difficult challenges (health, balance, relationships, spiritual development), there is a fixed rate, regardless of the duration (expect 2-3 hours) of € 180,-. An ayurvedic consultation aimed at healing the mind, heart and body costs € 100,- and € 120,- separately. For people with an income on social security the cost of the intake is €70,-*.
Jan Storms takes into account your financial strength in determining the advice, so you can achieve your goals. Follow-up consultations cost €120,- per hour.

see the course overview
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